Saturday, June 19, 2010

Five Months Later

Holy cow! has been awhile since we've updated our blog. We have been so busy with Thomas, work and school! Here are a few things that have happened since we last posted:

Thomas' Birthday!!!

Grandma and Grandpa Reichert, Uncle Adam and Oma came over, we made sloppy joes and fish sticks (Tommy's favorite!) He learned how to say balloon that weekend and would not stop chasing them around the house, it was pretty fun to watch.

The amazing cake that we made. Tommy sampled the frosting.

Classy gentleman!

He got a ton of presents! He loved the wrapping paper more than anything though. The good news is that he no longer eats the paper, hooray for progress!

Helping to clean up his mess...what a ham!


We had a relatively mellow Easter. Phil made breakfast while Tommy and I explored his easter basket! Not to worry, we helped dispose of the candy :D

Scoping out the goods.

This is our day to day entertainment. Who needs movies?

After he was bored with the grass, we played with his bubbles (another word he can now say - he's really good with the "B" words). Afterwards, we ate pancakes and eggs and spent the rest of our Sunday relaxing.


For Mother's day, Phil took me to Salt Lake City to see a band that I love. The concert was amazing, but the best part was taking a look around town. If you've never been, it's worth a trip. Neither of us is very religious, but it was still a lot of fun touring Temple Square. Phil found a Scottish heritage store and purchased a MacDonald family crest and scarf. It was the perfect getaway.

The most beautiful park, there were flowers everywhere!

Everyone was friendly, almost too friendly. One couple spent 15 minutes talking to us about the area. I was the navigator, Phil took all the shots (which explains why they were mostly out of focus).

GIANT! The wishing/prayer pool in front of the temple was pretty neat too, we stopped and had lunch there. The smell of flowers was everywhere!

Phil was impressed that we were able to get a bottle of wine sent to our room in such a conservative area. FYI - while the suites are pretty small, I highly recommend the Radisson for their breakfast buffet alone. It was terrific, and the perfect way to say goodbye to Salt Lake.


While Phil was busy grumbling and lathering up in 1 million SPF sunscreen, us non-red headed folk were pretty excited! The weather here has been pretty mild and wet, so we've had to plan our trips carefully. We've spent at least one day a week at the park. They have an amazing area in northern Meridian where the regular park and jungle gym doubles as a water park and outdoor movie theater. We just went and saw Babe the other night. Thomas learned what doggies are and he learned how to bark while staying at Oma's. So, when he saw the dog in Babe he spent the following five minutes barking. Luckily everyone around us thought it was cute!

We also went to the Boise Zoo. I think Phil and I had a little more fun than Thomas. He was mostly interested in eating lunch and playing with the vegetation that lined the pathways. Maybe he'll be a bit more excited next year.

I'll try my best to keep up with the blog. We know, that for a lot of you, this is one of the few ways to access information about what's happening in this neck of the woods. Thanks for being patient, we love you all, take care!