Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Best Father's Day Gift I've Ever Received!

My amazing wife bought me a new television for Father's Day. A 36 inch wide screen HDTV! I thanked her by spending the afternoon watching t.v. with Thomas while she did all the packing for the move!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Movin' On Up

The first step to achieving the two point five kids, American dream is the white picket fence. Although this house doesn't have a white picket fence, it does have beautiful landscaping and three bedrooms.
We haven't moved in yet... In fact, we're still waiting for our offer to be approved, but it's already home to us. The interior is as beautiful as the outside and I'm looking forward to putting my personal style into every room. The biggest dilemma right now is what to do with the third bedroom. Guest room, exercise room, or Man Cave?

Friday, June 19, 2009

The New Addition

It is said that childbirth is the most painful thing a woman could ever experience; that pregnancy is a long, exhausting and uncomfortable nine months. Well, I have a confession... It's all a lie. A lie that new parents, together, have conspired to spread.
Parenthood is a secret club with rules that require you to exaggerate the minor woes of life. You regale tales of swollen feet, uncontrollable emotions, and the unending hours of excruciating labor. The truth is that pregnancy is uneventful, but exciting, and labor is more nervous tension than pain.
One of the rules of said club is not to divulge the truth of parental bliss, but I've never been one for clubs. I've learned that if you deny the unpleasant aspects, and talk about the glow of pregnancy and the ease of delivery, then you receive disgruntled looks and silent grumblings from other new parents.

Little Thomas Daniel, born April 16th, has been a wondrous and incredible addition to our family. Though sleep still eludes us, the days are humorous and entertaining. Thomas is growing quickly and he discovers something new everyday. With an easy pregnancy and smooth delivery, it is believed that our little angel will prove to be one hell of a toddler... or teenager. I can't wait.

Phil and Sam - The Wedding

We could say something cliche about the wedding like how special and beautiful it was...and we'd be telling the truth. It was terrific, but what really made it fun and unique was the group of attendees. There was Davis and Brad's failed attempt at laying the aisle runner while we all watched on in awkward hilarity as the organist tried her best to stretch "Here Comes the Bride" into a 10 minute symphony. Even better was the best man, Brandon, and his drunken speech that felt like a scene from a movie. I guess it's no surprise that when you mix a large group of people, with alcohol, uncomfortable clothes, and pressure to perform a task in front of a family to which they don't belong...there are bound to be a few slips of the tongue, one or two awkward moments, and maybe a giant plastic runner violently flying through the pews of a quaint 19th century chapel. Nevertheless, we were very pleased with how the day turned out, it was a blast.