Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tommy Time!

Below is a huge amount of photos to check out. Thomas is 12-13 weeks in these photos. He's now teething, and making every day an adveture. He's working on sitting up, and has fully mastered the art of eye contact. Here you go!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thomas' first 4th of July!

So...Thomas wasn't the happiest baby today, but with a good photographic eye, we managed to find a few happy moments and capture them.

Okay, so maybe you wouldn't call them "happy" moments...perhaps "content" is better.

We spent the afternoon at Oma's playing catch with her wild beast.

Phil had to work through the evening, but made it home just in time to light the fireworks! Here he is back when he had ten fingers, and both his eyebrows...!

Phil's sister Emily joined us in the festivities!

I'm not sure if it was the lights and sounds, or his momma's laughter, but by the end of the night he was smiling away.