Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hey everyone!
Seasons greetings, we hope this post finds you well. I expect everyone is probably busy shopping, making cookies and finishing up with all of the decorations at this point. We've been busy too! The house is decorated; we put up the tree and wrapped all our presents. Phil is in the process of creating a Christmas letter to mail out. Knowing how much he loves to wait until the last minute, you can probably expect it sometime around New Years. I've posted some photos of Thomas and a picture of our tree below. Tommy's eight months old now, can you believe it!? He's working on his top teeth and begining to stand up and waddle around (with assistance from the coffee table, couch, crib and anything he can get his hands on). Phil just started training for a Supervisor position at his work and has earned Sophmore status at school. I've been busy keeping up with the little one and working on the weekends. It's been a busy couple of months, but what's new? Anyway, I'm sure either Phil or I will be updating the blog again soon. Until then, have a merry Christmas! We love you all.